
DeFi Llama Python API Tutorial

This tutorial aims to be a quick guide to get you started using the DeFi Llama API integrated into messari’s python library.

from messari.defillama import DeFiLlama
dl = DeFiLlama()

API Structure

The Messari Python client contains a number of functions that wrap all of DeFi Llama’s API endpoints. These include:

  • get_protocol_tvl_timeseries

  • get_global_tvl_timeseries

  • get_chain_tvl_timeseries

  • get_current_tvl

  • get_protocols

Below are a few examples to showcase the functionality and types of data each function generates.

Get protocol tvl timeseries

This function returns a timeseries of a protocol’s TVL broken down by token amounts as a pandas DataFrame. The DataFrame uses a multiindex to group relevant data together following a convenient df[protocol][chain][asset] pattern. For example, the following code returns Aave’s aggregate TVL and token amounts across all chains:

protocols = ['aave']
protocol_tvls = dl.get_protocol_tvl_timeseries(protocols, start_date="2021-10-01", end_date="2021-10-10")
totalLiquidityUSD ENJ CRV USDT LEND AAVE UNI WBTC SUSD LINK ... RENFIL_usd UNKNOWN (0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862)_usd RAI_usd AMPL_usd PAX_usd DPI_usd USDP_usd FRAX_usd FEI_usd WAVAX_usd
2021-10-01 1.370234e+10 1.046651e+07 6.311565e+06 2.455208e+08 174907.299479 1.910542e+06 3.918288e+06 41781.707197 2.544456e+07 2.200474e+07 ... 4.142907e+06 NaN 1.369684e+07 1.067524e+06 NaN 5.856352e+07 2.990423e+06 1.601764e+06 4.276806e+06 NaN
2021-10-02 1.419310e+10 1.057785e+07 6.935109e+06 2.275302e+08 174907.299479 1.912798e+06 4.063942e+06 42631.168237 2.483117e+07 2.211693e+07 ... 4.275809e+06 NaN 1.513579e+07 1.651881e+05 NaN 4.688960e+07 2.970062e+06 3.600939e+06 4.036727e+06 NaN
2021-10-03 1.431644e+10 1.063210e+07 7.733310e+06 3.273912e+08 174907.299479 1.910459e+06 4.060696e+06 43108.704933 2.256727e+07 2.216695e+07 ... 4.120871e+06 NaN 1.513579e+07 2.528140e+05 NaN 4.588331e+07 2.931041e+06 2.859444e+06 5.071526e+06 NaN
2021-10-04 1.481314e+10 1.062416e+07 7.951371e+06 3.380871e+08 174907.299479 2.024898e+06 4.119227e+06 44953.703369 2.232785e+07 2.216039e+07 ... 4.092038e+06 NaN 1.536486e+07 3.413756e+05 NaN 4.441723e+07 2.931041e+06 1.647494e+06 5.114161e+06 8.102013e+07
2021-10-05 1.562776e+10 1.060164e+07 8.145123e+06 3.916334e+08 174296.741465 2.081462e+06 4.122575e+06 45576.912796 1.488648e+07 2.214311e+07 ... 4.184423e+06 NaN 1.481286e+07 1.000055e+06 NaN 4.478705e+07 2.931041e+06 1.834846e+06 5.018526e+06 8.322869e+07

5 rows × 77 columns

We could narrow down our search by passing other supported chains as follows:

totalLiquidityUSD ENJ CRV USDT LEND AAVE UNI WBTC SUSD LINK ... XSUSHI_usd RENFIL_usd UNKNOWN (0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862)_usd RAI_usd AMPL_usd PAX_usd DPI_usd USDP_usd FRAX_usd FEI_usd
2021-10-01 1.176457e+10 1.046651e+07 6.311565e+06 2.097273e+08 174907.299479 1.719256e+06 3.918288e+06 33783.716382 2.544456e+07 2.200474e+07 ... 1.552155e+08 4.142907e+06 NaN 1.369684e+07 1.067524e+06 NaN 5.856352e+07 2.990423e+06 1.601764e+06 4.276806e+06
2021-10-02 1.220245e+10 1.057785e+07 6.935109e+06 1.905787e+08 174907.299479 1.721987e+06 4.063942e+06 34580.139148 2.483117e+07 2.211693e+07 ... 1.610315e+08 4.275809e+06 NaN 1.513579e+07 1.651881e+05 NaN 4.688960e+07 2.970062e+06 3.600939e+06 4.036727e+06
2021-10-03 1.232623e+10 1.063210e+07 7.733310e+06 2.923815e+08 174907.299479 1.719631e+06 4.060696e+06 35020.173599 2.256727e+07 2.216695e+07 ... 1.563189e+08 4.120871e+06 NaN 1.513579e+07 2.528140e+05 NaN 4.588331e+07 2.931041e+06 2.859444e+06 5.071526e+06
2021-10-04 1.220784e+10 1.062416e+07 7.951371e+06 2.719606e+08 174907.299479 1.699531e+06 4.119227e+06 34959.163570 2.232785e+07 2.216039e+07 ... 1.579955e+08 4.092038e+06 NaN 1.536486e+07 3.413756e+05 NaN 4.441723e+07 2.931041e+06 1.647494e+06 5.114161e+06
2021-10-05 1.249159e+10 1.060164e+07 8.145123e+06 2.402593e+08 174296.741465 1.694906e+06 4.122575e+06 34650.687732 1.488648e+07 2.214311e+07 ... 1.633028e+08 4.184423e+06 NaN 1.481286e+07 1.000055e+06 NaN 4.478705e+07 2.931041e+06 1.834846e+06 5.018526e+06

5 rows × 73 columns

To look at a protocol’s aggregate TVL across all tokens of one specific chain, pass ‘totalLiquidityUSD’ as the asset index. For example, if we wanted to know Aave’s total TVL in Ethereum, we would run:

2021-10-01    1.176457e+10
2021-10-02    1.220245e+10
2021-10-03    1.232623e+10
2021-10-04    1.220784e+10
2021-10-05    1.249159e+10
2021-10-06    1.248139e+10
2021-10-07    1.249473e+10
2021-10-08    1.199861e+10
2021-10-09    1.144368e+10
2021-10-10    1.132894e+10
Name: totalLiquidityUSD, dtype: float64

Get global tvl timeseries

This function returns a timeseries of aggregate TVL across all supported protocols in DeFi Llama as a pandas DataFrame

global_tvl = dl.get_global_tvl_timeseries(start_date="2021-10-01", end_date="2021-10-10")
2021-10-01 1.931929e+11
2021-10-02 1.975269e+11
2021-10-03 2.000398e+11
2021-10-04 2.010004e+11
2021-10-05 2.052809e+11
2021-10-06 2.050247e+11
2021-10-07 2.074607e+11
2021-10-08 2.110497e+11
2021-10-09 2.116465e+11
2021-10-10 2.129363e+11

Get chain tvl timeseries

This function retrives timeseries TVL for a given chain or list of chains as a pandas DataFrame

chains = ["Avalanche", "Harmony", "Polygon"]
chain_tvls = dl.get_chain_tvl_timeseries(chains, start_date="2021-10-01", end_date="2021-10-10")
Avalanche Harmony Polygon
2021-10-01 3.880313e+09 1.350100e+08 4.504783e+09
2021-10-02 4.066595e+09 1.399944e+08 4.580609e+09
2021-10-03 4.075295e+09 1.500492e+08 4.687820e+09
2021-10-04 3.984976e+09 1.497508e+08 4.663548e+09
2021-10-05 4.470707e+09 1.553020e+08 4.762029e+09
2021-10-06 4.528760e+09 1.534946e+08 4.724335e+09
2021-10-07 4.483351e+09 1.577545e+08 4.696261e+09
2021-10-08 4.560892e+09 1.645999e+08 4.651345e+09
2021-10-09 5.069958e+09 1.935887e+08 4.486516e+09
2021-10-10 5.131014e+09 1.875108e+08 4.455768e+09

Get current tvl

The function retrives the current protocol tvl as a pandas DataFrame for an asset or list of assets

protocols = ["uniswap", "curve", "aave"]
current_tvl = dl.get_current_tvl(protocols)
uniswap 1.040976e+10
curve 2.041504e+10
aave 1.541991e+10

Get protocols

The function returns basic information on all DeFi Llama listed protocols.

protocols = dl.get_protocols()
curve makerdao aave convex-finance wbtc instadapp compound uniswap polygon-bridge-&-staking lido ... oraichain bacondao yel-finance smartcoin billion-happiness decubate nasdex potluck-protocol atmossoft zigzag
id 3 118 111 319 2 120 114 1 240 182 ... 681 682 686 715 716 717 720 723 783 800
name Curve MakerDAO AAVE Convex Finance WBTC Instadapp Compound Uniswap Polygon Bridge & Staking Lido ... OraiChain BaconDAO YEL Finance SmartCoin Billion Happiness Decubate Nasdex Potluck Protocol AtmosSoft ZigZag
address 0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52 0x9f8f72aa9304c8b593d555f12ef6589cc3a579a2 0x7fc66500c84a76ad7e9c93437bfc5ac33e2ddae9 0x4e3fbd56cd56c3e72c1403e103b45db9da5b9d2b 0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599 0x6f40d4a6237c257fff2db00fa0510deeecd303eb 0xc00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888 0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984 0x7d1afa7b718fb893db30a3abc0cfc608aacfebb0 0x5a98fcbea516cf06857215779fd812ca3bef1b32 ... 0x4c11249814f11b9346808179cf06e71ac328c1b5 bsc:0x0615dbba33fe61a31c7ed131bda6655ed76748b1 0x7815bda662050d84718b988735218cffd32f75ea avax:0xCC2f1d827b18321254223dF4e84dE399D9Ff116c bsc:0x6fd7c98458a943f469E1Cf4eA85B173f5Cd342F4 bsc:0xEAc9873291dDAcA754EA5642114151f3035c67A2 polygon:0xE8d17b127BA8b9899a160D9a07b69bCa8E08... fantom:0x49894fcc07233957c35462cfc3418ef0cc26129f bsc:0xC53C65C4A925039cC149fA99fD011490D40270a3 None
url https://curve.fi https://makerdao.com/ https://aave.com\r\n https://www.convexfinance.com/ https://wbtc.network/ https://instadapp.io/ https://compound.finance https://info.uniswap.org/ https://polygon.technology/ https://lido.fi/ ... https://orai.io https://app.bacondao.com/ https://yel.finance https://smartcoin.farm https://billionhappiness.finance/ https://platform.decubate.com/ https://www.nasdex.xyz http://fantom.potluckprotocol.com https://www.atmossoftdefi.app https://trade.zigzag.exchange
description Curve is a decentralized exchange liquidity po... Builders of Dai, a digital currency that can b... Aave is an Open Source and Non-Custodial proto... Convex simplifies your Curve-boosting experien... Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) is the first ERC20 toke... Aims to drive interoperability between protoco... Compound is an algorithmic, autonomous interes... A fully decentralized protocol for automated l... Ethereum sidechain\r\n Liquidity for staked assets. Daily rewards, no... ... Oraichain is a data oracle platform that aggre... BaconDAO (BACON) is a Decentralized Autonomous... YEL aggregates multiple projects across severa... SmartCoin is a yield farming protocol on Avala... Billion Happiness is a blockchain community-ba... Decubate is a community-powered investment pla... NASDEX is a decentralised app on polygon, that... Defi AMM with gamified products and features. Atmosphere Software(AtmosSoft) is a next gener... A Layer 2 decentralized exchange (DEX) on zkSync
chain Multi-Chain Ethereum Multi-Chain Ethereum Ethereum Ethereum Ethereum Ethereum Polygon Multi-Chain ... Multi-Chain Multi-Chain Multi-Chain Avalanche Binance Binance Polygon Fantom Multi-Chain zkSync
logo https://icons.llama.fi/curve.png https://icons.llama.fi/makerdao.jpg https://icons.llama.fi/aave.png https://icons.llama.fi/convex-finance.jpg https://icons.llama.fi/wbtc.png https://icons.llama.fi/instadapp.jpg https://icons.llama.fi/compound.png https://icons.llama.fi/uniswap.png https://icons.llama.fi/polygon.jpg https://icons.llama.fi/lido.png ... https://icons.llama.fi/oraichain.jpg https://icons.llama.fi/bacondao.png https://icons.llama.fi/yel-finance.png https://icons.llama.fi/smrt.png https://icons.llama.fi/billion-happiness.png https://icons.llama.fi/decubate.png https://icons.llama.fi/nasdex.png https://icons.llama.fi/potluck-protocol.png https://icons.llama.fi/atmossoft.jpg https://icons.llama.fi/zigzag.jpg
audits 2 2 2 2 2 None 2 2 0 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 0
audit_note None None None None None None None None None None ... None None None None None None None None None None
gecko_id curve-dao-token maker aave convex-finance wrapped-bitcoin instadapp compound-governance-token uniswap matic-network lido-dao ... oraichain-token bacondao yel-finance smartcoin-2 billionhappiness decubate nasdex-token fang-token None None
cmcId 6538 1518 7278 9903 3717 10508 5692 7083 3890 8000 ... 7533 10501 11301 12917 7182 10563 12312 12671 None None
category Dexes Minting Lending Yield Assets Services Lending Dexes Chain Staking ... Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield Launchpad Dexes Staking Gaming Dexes
chains [Avalanche, Harmony, Ethereum, xDai, Polygon, ... [Ethereum] [Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche] [Ethereum] [Ethereum] [Ethereum] [Ethereum] [Optimism, Ethereum, Arbitrum] [Polygon] [Ethereum, Solana, Terra] ... [Ethereum] [Binance, Ethereum] [Ethereum] [Avalanche] [Binance] [Binance] [Polygon] [Fantom] [Fantom] [zkSync]
module curve.js maker/index.js aave/index.js convex/index.js wbtc.js instadapp.js compound-onchain/index.js uniswap/index.js polygon/index.js lido/index.js ... oraichain.js bacondao/index.js yel/index.js smartcoin/index.js billion-happiness/index.js decubate/index.js nasdex/index.js potluckprotocol/index.js atmossoft.js zigzag/index.js
twitter CurveFinance MakerDAO AaveAave ConvexFinance WrappedBTC Instadapp compoundfinance Uniswap 0xPolygon LidoFinance ... oraichain BaconDAO_ yel_finance 0xSmartCoin BHC_Happiness decubate nasdex_xyz PotluckProtocol AtmosSoft ZigZagExchange
audit_links [https://curve.fi/audits] [https://security.makerdao.com/] [https://aave.com/security] [https://github.com/convex-eth/platform/blob/m... [https://wbtc.network/dashboard/audit] [https://github.com/Instadapp/dsa-contracts/bl... [https://compound.finance/docs/security] [https://github.com/Uniswap/uniswap-v3-core/tr... NaN [https://github.com/lidofinance/audits] ... [https://github.com/oraichain/audits] [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AVc_YuSKoaoj... [https://yield-enhancement-labs.gitbook.io/yie... [https://paladinsec.co/pld/assets/20211018_Pal... [https://www.certik.org/projects/billionhappin... NaN NaN [https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Potluck%20... NaN NaN
oracles [Chainlink] [Maker] [Chainlink] NaN [Chainlink] NaN [Chainlink] [Uniswap] NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [Internal] NaN NaN
slug curve makerdao aave convex-finance wbtc instadapp compound uniswap polygon-bridge-&-staking lido ... oraichain bacondao yel-finance smartcoin billion-happiness decubate nasdex potluck-protocol atmossoft zigzag
tvl 20415038798.327824 17969496759.492355 15419913267.352034 15131073490.628565 14449256853.309999 12102460033 11922059387.8978 10409755599.486263 9710159190.366772 9485282686.237036 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
chainTvls {'Avalanche': 936811028.2676972, 'Harmony': 12... {'Ethereum': 17969496759.492355} {'Ethereum': 10471743116.25161, 'Polygon': 182... {'Ethereum': 15131073490.628565} {'Ethereum': 14449256853.31} {'Ethereum': 12102460033} {'Ethereum': 11922059387.897799} {'Optimism': 40914299.193099, 'Ethereum': 1030... {'Polygon': 9710159190.366772} {'Ethereum': 6288679048.837508, 'Solana': 2258... ... {'Binance-staking': 2069241.2442397017, 'Ether... {'pool2': 221923.15863504808, 'Binance-pool2':... {'pool2': 6445303.662442322, 'Fantom-staking':... {'Avalanche': 0, 'pool2': 96739.95349781934, '... {'Binance': 0, 'Binance-staking': 4712925.0535... {'Binance': 0, 'Binance-staking': 2304569.8020... {'pool2': 169532.88870213774, 'staking': 92538... {'Fantom-staking': 142474.83638762677, 'stakin... {'pool2': 19304.101388327308, 'Fantom-pool2': ... {'Zksync': 0, 'offers': 1636467.8193695154, 'Z...
change_1h -0.44896 -0.548806 -0.572617 -0.197715 -0.743818 0 0.359498 -0.219655 -0.675755 -0.964538 ... None None None None None None None -100 None None
change_1d -3.131439 -5.297916 -5.013928 -4.886415 -5.450934 -5.518304 -4.320109 -0.608482 -5.742343 -8.011128 ... None None None None None None None -100 None None
change_7d -2.475693 -9.598398 -6.84128 None -8.440936 -3.395067 -7.09348 None -7.491259 -11.422413 ... None None None None None None None -100 None None
fdv 12301661224 2840314296 4491341668 2485404838 14483125559 NaN 3153251980 21834450907 15778573102 3872965400 ... 297401311 10616405 44201792 16121682 NaN 57017539 NaN 184351117 NaN NaN
mcap 1459791560 2545808395 3719606083 913173794 14483125559 73522897 1940052879 9888225317 10844439988 235584083 ... 33371283 0 27646000 0 10244171 3644403 0 0 NaN NaN
staking NaN NaN 1276237472.239922 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 4812640.377482 121803.487761 11131451.1693 NaN 4712925.053547 2304569.802009 925380.492968 142474.836388 NaN NaN
forkedFrom NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [Pantherswap, Pancakeswap] NaN NaN
pool2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 221923.158635 6445303.662442 96739.953498 211307.874648 NaN 169532.888702 NaN 19304.101388 NaN
listedAt NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1634551713 1634577126 1634674060 1635279168 1635296377 1635383289 1635463716 1635465731 1636043958 1636305888

30 rows × 704 columns

[ ]: